Corso di Diploma di Alta Formazione Docenti di Lingua Italiana come Lingua Straniera
A.A. 2021/2022

The “Corso di Diploma di Alta Formazione per Docenti di Lingua Italiana come Lingua Straniera” called C.D.A.F.D. will take place from April 7th to October 7th during the A.A. 2020/2021. April 7th and 8th 2022 are the dates of the admission exams. The course allows a maximum of 25 students.
November 22 to partecipate for free in the C1 level preparatory course;
November 29 to access scholarships of 900,00 €,
April 4 to partecipate in the CAFD course only.
- How to enroll
- Consult the call for the details
Course purpose
The course is aimed at professional training of foreign or italian students not resident in Italy, for teaching in the italian language courses held abroad.
The University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri” of Reggio Calabria (University from now) has opened a call for scholarships which aim to give an economic help to students who desire to study in Italy, fostering the iternational cooperation and the italian culture knowledge.
C.D.A.F.D. admission requirement and standards

Be an italian citizen resident abroad or foreigner.
Have the qualification to be admitted at university courses in Italy.
Have studied the italian language for an appropriate period of time which must be certified through a qualification with legal value or a level C1 certificate, according the CEFR, released by the University for Foreigners "Dante Alighieri".
Those who have not the requiered qualification to be admitted to the Course, they will have to take a verification test aimed to prove a level C1 proficiency according the CEFR.
The entry test will be articulate in two days, April 7th and 8th 2022, at the Univerisity. Lessons will be held starting from April 11th 2022.
Those candidates who do not pass the verification test, they have the possibility to enjoy a scholarship intended to a trimonthly italian languge course level C1, starting the April 11th to July 22th 2022. The scholarship criteria is given to the academic bodies in charge.
Those who have done absence for more than 20% of lessons at the end of the first quarter (July 22th 2022), they can not continue the Course. The exams concerning the first quarter learnings will take place from July 18th to 22th. The second quarter learnings will be active from July 25th to October 7th, with their relative exams planned from September 30th to October 6th. Diplomas devilery will be in October 7th.
Be in possession of the Covid-19 green certification valid on the Italian territory. The vaccines, administered by the competent foreign national health authorities, recognized as equivalent to those carried out under the National Strategic Plan of vaccines for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infections are: - Vaccines for which the holder of the marketing authorization is the same as in the European Union; - Covishield (Serum Institute of India), produced under license from AstraZeneca; - R-CoVI (R-Pharm), produced under license from AstraZeneca; - Covid-19 vaccine-recombinant (Fiocruz), manufactured under license from AstraZeneca. Vaccination certificates must be drawn up in at least one of the following languages: - Italian; - English; - French; - Spanish. If the certificate was not issued in one of the four languages indicated, it must be accompanied by a sworn translation. SOURCE:Circular of the Ministry of Health - general directorate of health prevention, September 23th 2021 n. 42957. For more info about Green Pass:
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Our teachers
The professors of our Italian courses
Gisella Murgia more_vert
Lingua e Cultura ItalianaBio close
Italian Language and Culture lecturer “Scuola di Orientamento e Alta Formazione in Lingua e Cultura Italiana”
Professor of “Corso di Alta Formazione Docenti di Lingua Italiana”
Studies Manager of Food and Beverage language Cooking course
Deputy Director of CE.S.A.S.S. – Centro Studi Assistenza Studenti Stranieri
Egle Greco more_vert
Lingua e Cultura ItalianaBio close
Italian Language and Culture lecturer
Lecturer of Local Customs
Paolo Minuto more_vert
Lingua e Cultura ItalianaBio close
oral speech skill
italian language applied to audovisual texts
Italian History of Cinema
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